Chinese Valentines Day 💕 Don’t Forget the Date(s!)

Chinese Valentines Day // How Many Are There?

Dealing with one Valentines Day per year is too much for many who choose to boycott the date. 

Well, count yourself lucky you’re not celebrating a Chinese Valentines Day.

Or rather, days…

China loves their Chinese festivals, such as Chinese New Year and Tomb Sweeping Festival, and it doesn’t skimp out when it comes to Chinese Valentine’s Day either.

How many Valentines Days are there in China?

DID YOU KNOW || In total, there are around 6 Chinese Valentines Days.

Yup, that’s right. 6 different dates to make sure not to forget!

So we’ve written them all down here for you, with an explanation on each one and how to celebrate.

You’ve got no excuses now!

Valentines Day #1 | 14/2: Valentine’s Day (情人节, qíngrén jié)

Valentines Day #2 | 14/3: White Valentine’s Day (白色情人节, báisè qíngrén jié)

Valentines Day #3 | 20/5: 520, wǔ’èr líng

Valentines Day #4 | 7th Day of the 7th lunar month: Qi Xi Festival (七夕节, qīxì jié)

Valentines Day #5 | 15th Day in Lunar Year: Lantern Festival (元宵节, yuánxiāo jié)

Valentines Day #6 | 11/11: Single’s Day (双十一, shuāng shíyī)

[14/2] Valentine’s Day

情人节 – qíngrén jié

The 14th February, like in the West, now marks one of China’s many Valentine’s Days.

A recent import from the West, it is very popular amongst younger generations.

Much like in the West on this day, you can expect couples to spend time together by going to the cinema or for romantic dinners.

It is also common to buy chocolate and roses for your loved ones – the pricier the better!

On this Chinese festival, make sure to spend it with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Chinese Valentines Day #2 – [14/3] White Valentine’s Day

白色情人节 – báisè qíngrén jié

White Day is a festival celebrated in many East Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam.

This Chinese Valentine’s Day falls exactly one month after Valentine’s day on the 14th February and is traditionally celebrated with females gifting their partner’s or loved one’s chocolate.

It is also common to homemake chocolates, which generally shows deeper thought and more feeling behind it.

Chocolates are also gifted as a social obligation to colleagues or friends.

Chinese Valentines Day #3 – [20/5] 520, Wǔ’èr líng

This interesting Chinese Valentine’s Day recently entered China through the growing internet culture of Netizens.

DID YOU KNOW – It came about because 520 (pronounced as ‘Wǔ’èr líng’) sounds like the Chinese for “I love you” (wo ai ni).

If you think this is a bit bizarre and kind of pulling at straws…

Then yes, you’re right.

520 sounds barely anything like “I love you”. But hey, any excuse to celebrate love (and for companies to make cash).

This day is spent similarly to that on the 14th February and is celebrated only amongst young millennials.

Chinese Valentines Day #4 – Qi Xi Festival

七夕节 – qīxì jié

Qixi Festival comes from the romantic tale of two lovers who can only come together once a year, which is why it is celebrated on this day.

It is celebrated on July 7th (7/7) on the Lunar calendar, which usually comes in August.

Just like Western Valentine’s day, on this Chinese Valentine’s Day you can expect to get gifts or go for a meal with your companion.

Otherwise, you could spend it eating typical foods such as 油饭 yóufàn, 麻油鸡久 máyóujījiǔ and 软果 ruǎn guǒ.


22nd August 2023

10th August 2024

29th August 2025

Chinese Dating 💔 The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Thumbnail

Chinese Dating 💔 The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Dating in China, you are bound to find some differences and experience culture shock. Follow our guide to dating in China and learn about key cultural points.

15th Day in Lunar Year: The Lantern Festival

元宵节 – yuánxiāo jié

The Lantern Festival is held on the 15th day in the Lunar Calendar.

This ancient traditional festival is seen as a Chinese Valentine’s Day.

One of the reasons for this is because back in olden days when women were barely able to leave the house.

Going out to go and light the lanterns during this festival was a rare occasion when women could go on dates and find a partner. 

It is typical on this day to eat a kind of sweet dumpling – a kind of mochi filled with peanut or sesame paste.


15th February 2022

5th February 2023

24th February 2024

12th February 2025

Chinese Valentines Day #6 – [11/11] Single’s Day

双十一 – shuāng shíyī

With 5 Valentine’s Days in China, what’s a single girl to do?

single's day sales
Single’s Day in China

Do not fear singles!

China has been celebrating Single’s Day for a few years now, originally there to celebrate being single – but now simply celebrates consumerism.

The story goes that this date was originally celebrated by students in Nanjing university who wanted to celebrate being single.

DID YOU KNOW – The dates 11/11 were chosen for having two double lines representing being single.

Giants Alibaba then took over the day to turn it into a Black Friday/Cyber Monday style day of crazy shopping.

Chinese people will save for months in order to buy their wanted items as soon as the date comes around.


We’ve got a tonne of amazing content, too much to list here, but here’s some of our favourites that we think you’ll enjoy!

And of course, if you want to discover more about the dating culture in China, check this brilliant two-part guide out.

41 Ultimate Examples Of Chinese Slang 🤫 Speak Like The Locals Thumbnail

41 Ultimate Examples Of Chinese Slang 🤫 Speak Like The Locals

Check out the best ways to speak Chinese in 2021! Chinese Slang is the ultimate way to level UP your Mandarin and we’ve got a ton of excellent examples.

If you enjoyed getting to know about the Valentine’s Day in China why not check out Japanese Valentine’s culture here too!

Chinese Valentines Day || FAQs

How many Valentines Days in China?

China celebrates a total of 6 Valentines Days!

Valentines Day # 1 – 14/2: Valentine’s Day (情人节, qíngrén jié)

Valentines Day # 2 – 14/3: White Valentine’s Day (白色情人节, Báisè qíngrén jié)

Valentines Day # 3 – 20/5: 520, Wǔ’èr líng

Valentines Day # 425/8: Qi Xi Festival (七夕节, Qīxì jié)

Valentines Day # 5 – 15th Day in Lunar Year: The Lantern Festival (元宵节, Yuánxiāo jié)

Valentines Day # 611/11: Single’s Day (双十一, Shuāng shíyī)

How do you say I Love You in Chinese?

I love you in Chinese is 我爱你 – Wǒ ài nǐ.

What is the most popular Valentines Day in China?

Generally this would be February 14th but it can depend on the person.

Commercially, apps like Taobao make a fortune during the May 20th Valentines Day and also on the biggest day of online shopping all year, 11/11.

That said, between couples February 14th still rules.

Is Valentines Day popular in China?


The Chinese are mad keen on not just February 14th, but all of the Valentines Days combined, and of course it’s a great commercial opportunity for companies also!

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  1. Martha

    Crazy, why so many!!

    1. Max Hobbs

      That’s China! A great way for companies to make money and for couples to show their love, multiple times a year!!

  2. 11/11 = amazing commercial ploy!

    1. Max Hobbs

      I bet even the biggest companies didn’t dream it’d drive that much revenue when it all began!

  3. I Love You In Chinese - 37 Killer Phrases To Win At Love In Chinese

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  4. International Women's Day China 2021 - Complete Guide

    […] Day China has turned into a type of a second Valentine’s Day with special prices and discounts for […]

  5. it’s really crazy about Chinese valentine’s day.Theres so many

    1. Max Hobbs

      Hard to keep up right Aran!

  6. momo

    12/12 also?

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