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You are now in the intermediate levels of the Chinese language. Congratulations!

Keep practicing your speaking skills with our Pronunciation Trainer, for which you can get instant feedback.

This tool runs in tandem with our Flexi Class lessons. If you wish to gain feedback from a certified teacher, check out Flexi Classes below.

CAREFUL | Are you in China? You will need a VPN to use this tool. It is best used on desktop and Chrome.

How To Use It

  1. Listen to the phrase by clicking the 🔊 button
  2. Click🎙️ and repeat the phrase
  3. You will see what the trainer thinks you said below and the score will update with a 👍 or a 👎
  4. Click ⏩ and repeat the process again to perfect your pronunciation

You can change the lesson at the bottom right and turn translations on and off with the toggle also.

The lessons from this pronunciation tool come from our Flexi Classes platform, which offers 24/7 online lessons.

We offer over 500 lessons everyday on a wide range of topics. Feel free to contact us for more details.


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  • LTL Avatar Manuel Saldaña Quintans
    Manuel Saldaña Quintans , Student Advisor

    Welcome to LTL Language School

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