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Homestays are the number one choice of accommodation for our students.

A homestay program means living with a local family in Kaohsiung and having breakfast and dinner with them everyday.

Wondering how they became so popular? It’s because…

👉 Living with a homestay gives you a truly immersive cultural experience like no other
👉 Students progress much faster in their language ability when they use Chinese 24/7
👉 Becoming part of a local Kaohsiung family is a once in a lifetime experience and the best way to learn about the local area and customs

Essentially, homestays offer the perfect blend between cultural and linguistic immersion.

Combined with our with our Small Group Classes or Individual Mandarin Courses in Kaohsiung, your Chinese will go from strength to strength!

LTL Homestays
  • Live with a local family
  • Practice Mandarin all day, everyday
  • Learn about culture in the classroom and at home
  • Breakfast and dinner included
Homestay in Kaohsiung

Understand Kaohsiung – See the city through local eyes and explore the city’s hidden gems with your homestay family. They’ll have a wealth of insider knowledge!

True Immersion – Speak Chinese from dawn until dusk. Talk about meals, plans, culture and more! Practice what you learn in class every night when you return home.

Options for Everyone – Our students come with a wide range of requirements and we can help you find a family that will accommodate vegetarian, vegan and gluten free diets

Over a Decade of Experience

Quality Families – Since we started in 2007, we’ve followed a careful selection process when choosing our families and only work with the best

Perfect Match – We’ve worked with a wide range of homestay families and pair students to homestays depending on preferences. No pets or children? No problem!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ RATED – Years of arranging homestays has helped us perfect the student experience. Check out our reviews on Trustpilot, Go Overseas or Facebook.


Your Kaohsiung homestay will become your home away from home.

You’ll have a private room and all of the home comforts you’d expect along with that, including all your bedding, Wi-Fi, a desk and air-con to keep you cool even on the hottest Kaohsiung days!

DID YOU KNOW || Approximately 80% of our students in Taiwan choose to stay with a host family.

Homestays are what you make of them. Some students simply enjoy the perks of half-board accommodation and extra conversation, whilst other spend their weekends with their homestay families and go on daytrips together – it’s entirely up to you.

Importantly – there’s no hidden fees. All bills are included in your homestay.


It’s easy to get caught in the “foreigner bubble” and return to the comfort of speaking English the moment you’re out of school. This results in many Chinese language learners avoiding local restaurants and only hanging out with other English speakers.

That’s why we believe in the power of immersion. Using Chinese in your daily life is a huge part of learning Chinese. Choosing a homestay lets you practice speaking about family, food, hobbies, weekend plans and really just about anything you can think of!

Homestay students have the chance to home and put in to practice everything they learned in class. The extra hours of speaking Chinese really are invaluable and let you progress at a far faster rate.

You’ll have an authentic insight into life in Kaohsiung, learn how families live, meet locals and make friends with Taiwanese people. It’s an experience very few people get to enjoy and it’s one you’ll never forget, for all the right reasons.


We have a strict criteria when it comes to choosing families for our homestay programs.

We look at key factors like location, family members, level of English, facilities, apartment and more when selecting our families in Taiwan.

We strive to make sure apartments are as close to our Taiwan Mandarin School as possible, this is very important to us. There maybe the exception, for example if a family fits our criteria perfectly but is located 45 minutes away on the metro.

When speaking to you about your program we make absolute sure to note what is most important for you.

If location is hugely important, we will take that into account, if you are a little more lenient about this, likewise, we note this down when selecting your family.


1 week19,200
2 weeks37,100
3 weeks53,900
4 weeks69,700
5 weeks84,500
6 weeks98,400
7 weeks111,400
8 weeks123,600
9 weeks134,900
10 weeks145,500
11 weeks155,300
12 weeks164,400
13 – 52 weeks (price per week)13,700
extra night3,200

Standard Homestay includes:

  • Live with a Chinese Family in Taiwan
  • All families are Mandarin speaking
  • Private bedroom
  • Desk, bed and sheets provided
  • WIFI, heating, air-conditioning and all bills included
  • Meals included
  • Just you per family – proper Immersion

Further Information

  • Vegan, vegetarian, halal and gluten free – communicate with us and we will help
  • Other special dietary requirements also
  • Teenagers: especially selected families for youngsters
  • English speaking: If you’d be more comfortable with a family who speak a little English, we can arrange this


Can I choose a family that speaks English too?


Whilst we encourage you to embrace every opportunity to speak Chinese, if this is a priority for you we can find a family that is also able to communicate with you in English.

Is any family allowed to be a host family?

A number of criteria must be adhered to to become a host family with LTL.

The family itself must be “LTL people”, they must enjoy interacting with foreigners and helping your Chinese along.

English speaking is not something we want, the whole point in a homestay is Immersion.

Alongside this things such as distance from the school, household facilities, the family (and extended family), the food they provide… and many more things.

You can rest assured that when you arrive, you are in good hands.

Will I be given a house key?

Absolutely yes.

Can I wash my clothes at the homestay?

All households will have a washing machine.

Either the family will do your washing for you or they will direct you how to use the machine.

Can I book a homestay without a language course?

No, unfortunately you cannot.

Our homestays are very popular and we are regularly booked out.

It takes a lot of time to organize and manage homestays, so we reserve our homestays exclusively for our students.

How will I be matched to a homestay family?

Your registration form that you’ll fill out will tell us your exact requirements.

From here we decide which family is best suited to you, relating to diet, location, smoking and a host of other factors.

Will I receive information about the family?

Sure you will.

We will send a document with details of your Taiwan host family which will show names, family members and some pictures of the household.

What about the students that don’t stay in homestays?

Around 80% of students choose to stay with homestays. But we know this isn’t for everyone.

We also offer studio and shared apartments.

Can I have someone stay over at my homestay?

Unfortunately no, it is strictly not allowed to have someone else stay over at the house and it’s important to respect your homestay’s house rules

There are still some things I want to ask, what can I do?

Please get in touch with us if there are some unanswered questions.

Coming to stay with a family in Taiwan is a big deal so you are bound to have some questions.

Drop us a message here.

How long can I book a homestay for?

You can stay anywhere from a week to a year.

The longer you book a homestay for, the cheaper it gets!

Can I come home late at night?

Of course this is fine but just respect your host family.

As with any family, if they are asleep they don’t want to be disturbed, especially if they are getting up early.

Language Programs in Kaohsiung

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  • LTL Avatar Manuel Saldaña Quintans
    Manuel Saldaña Quintans , Student Advisor

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